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Summer Course in Lausanne - Switzerland - Brillantmont International School

Sarah Frei

Senior Leadership Team Head of Admissions & External Relations
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Unlocking opportunities – why 8th and 9th Grade at Brillantmont International School could be the right choice for your child

| 0 comments| by Sarah Frei Sarah Frei

Our 8th and 9th Grade programmes can pave the way for your child's success. At Brillantmont, we recognize the importance of these formative years in shaping a student's academic journey and future prospects. We provide an enriching and supportive environment for students at this pivotal stage and equip students with the knowledge, skills, and confidence needed to excel in their academic programme and beyond.


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Our 8th and 9th grade students show off their maths skills in an international competition

| 0 comments| by Sarah Frei Sarah Frei

At the end of February 2024, nine of our younger students took part in the international mathematics competitions organised by Waterloo University in Canada. The competitions are full of challenging maths puzzles that require excellent problem-solving skills to decipher and answer. Each competition was taken by around 20 000 students from around the world under exam conditions.

Seven of our grade 9 students and one grade 8 student took part in the Pascal competition. As a keen mathematician who enjoys a challenge, 9th Grader, James, elected to try the more difficult grade 10 Cayley competition.


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The small school, supporting your child all the way

| 0 comments| by Sarah Frei Sarah Frei

The beauty of a small school is that there is a very personalised support of students. At Brillantmont, our Vision and Mission are at the heart of what we do, as we help students reach their full potential in our British IGCSE and A Level programme and our High School Diploma.


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Ready for a summer of fun in Switzerland? Join our Summer Course!

| 0 comments| by Sarah Frei Sarah Frei

Summer Course is just around the corner. Why not come to Brillantmont, the only Swiss boarding school to be owned and run by the same family for over 140 years.

Learning languages is fun!
Thanks to our fantastic teachers, learning English or French has never been more fun! Take a test on arrival to see which level you are. Don't worry - we have classes from beginner to advanced so we'll make sure you're challenged and making great progress, as you develop confidence. 



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What to expect when your child starts A Levels

| 0 comments| by Sarah Frei Sarah Frei

If you have a child who is finishing 10th grade this academic year and will soon be starting A Levels, then you’re going to want to know what you should expect. Will an increased workload mean more stress for your child? Will your child cope? 

The transition
The transition from 10th grade and the jump up from IGCSE  to A Levels is huge and you should be prepared for your child’s learning to take on a new lease of life. There may be some low grades initially for even the strongest IGCSE student until they familiar with the rigours of A Level. This adjustment may be quite daunting for many new A Level students and here at Brillantmont, we try to prepare students for this step-up to the next level in their learning. Even though they will have dropped many subjects to focus on their chosen subjects (min. 3)  in more depth, they will have to adhere to more deadlines, more autonomous and independent learning and a deeper level of critical thinking. This may initially prove challenging.

However, starting A Levels can also be an exciting time for your child. To start with, your child has chosen subjects that they love to study, which means that they can put all their academic time and energy into areas they love.

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Switzerland - where a truly unique boarding school experience awaits your child.

| 0 comments| by Sarah Frei Sarah Frei

It’s the time of year when many families are looking at boarding school options for the next academic year, 24-25. There are so many amazing schools around the world, which makes coming to a decision quite difficult!
Choosing between a Swiss boarding school and one elsewhere in the world, depends on personal preferences and goals. Consider factors like culture, language, academic programme and the school’s Guiding Statements when making your decision.

Are you looking for a school which is purely results oriented or do you want a more holistic education, with a balance between academic rigour and a stimulating extra-curricular offer?


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The power of school reunions: how Brillantmont International School's 140th anniversary event brought over 300 alumni together

| 0 comments| by Sarah Frei Sarah Frei

Are you feeling nostalgic for your school days?

Do you miss catching up with old friends and reliving your memories of Brillantmont, the oldest Swiss boarding school to be owned and run by the same family? 
Here at Brillantmont, we had the joy of recently welcoming many of our alumni back on campus. Whether it's been 10 years or 50 since your graduation, school reunions are a magical way of bringing people together. This was proven at Brillantmont's 140th anniversary event on June 3rd, which saw over 300 alumni returning back to their alma mater in Switzerland from all corners of the world. Some came from as far away as Australia and California and we are truly touched that they made such a great effort to be with us.


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Building a solid foundation - Joining Brillantmont in 8th Grade

| 0 comments| by Sarah Frei Sarah Frei

Brillantmont welcomes students from 8th Grade onwards. 8th Grade is an exciting grade in which to join the school as there’s so much to do!

Let’s meet Ms Niki, one of our 8th Grade teachers to see what she loves.


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Exam Preparation: the night before and the big day!

| 0 comments| by Sarah Frei Sarah Frei

When exam time finally comes around, everything can start to seem a little overwhelming. Have you prepared enough? What will the exam be like? Students always have a lot of questions in the last day or two - and hopefully this article will help you to feel a little more ready!


After all those years of studying hard in your lessons, you have built up some great knowledge which will help you answer the questions and get the best grades. However, you need to be ready to put what you know onto the exam paper.

This includes revision to solidify your understanding of the subject, plus taking care of yourself so you are in the best mental shape on the day. It can also help to know a little about what to expect in the exam.


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Exam preparation: strategies for success

| 0 comments| by Sarah Frei Sarah Frei

Exam season is upon us and students at Brillantmont are working hard preparing for the big day. There are a number of exams coming up in the coming months, including mocks and then the IGCSE and AS/A levels, the IELTS, plus language exams such as DELE and DELF.

Exam time can be stressful, but good preparation is the key to success. By structuring your study, reading up on what to expect and looking after yourself mentally and physically, you can build yourself a pathway to exam success.


Take your time

Starting your revision too late makes it hard to retain the information, and often leads to panic. Our brains can’t focus on learning when we are stressed, and rushing your revision at the last minute is definitely stressful. Instead, create a study plan several weeks before the exam and use it to space out your subjects and topics.


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