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Summer Course in Lausanne - Switzerland - Brillantmont International School

What to expect when your child starts A Levels

| 0 comments| by Sarah Frei Sarah Frei

If you have a child who is finishing 10th grade this academic year and will soon be starting A Levels, then you’re going to want to know what you should expect. Will an increased workload mean more stress for your child? Will your child cope? 

The transition
The transition from 10th grade and the jump up from IGCSE  to A Levels is huge and you should be prepared for your child’s learning to take on a new lease of life. There may be some low grades initially for even the strongest IGCSE student until they familiar with the rigours of A Level. This adjustment may be quite daunting for many new A Level students and here at Brillantmont, we try to prepare students for this step-up to the next level in their learning. Even though they will have dropped many subjects to focus on their chosen subjects (min. 3)  in more depth, they will have to adhere to more deadlines, more autonomous and independent learning and a deeper level of critical thinking. This may initially prove challenging.

However, starting A Levels can also be an exciting time for your child. To start with, your child has chosen subjects that they love to study, which means that they can put all their academic time and energy into areas they love.

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Switzerland - where a truly unique boarding school experience awaits your child.

| 0 comments| by Sarah Frei Sarah Frei

It’s the time of year when many families are looking at boarding school options for the next academic year, 24-25. There are so many amazing schools around the world, which makes coming to a decision quite difficult!
Choosing between a Swiss boarding school and one elsewhere in the world, depends on personal preferences and goals. Consider factors like culture, language, academic programme and the school’s Guiding Statements when making your decision.

Are you looking for a school which is purely results oriented or do you want a more holistic education, with a balance between academic rigour and a stimulating extra-curricular offer?


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Your Guide to A-Levels

Brillantmont is happy to have contributed to a recent article in International School Parent magazine, which talks about A Levels, offered at our school. You may read an edited version of the article here and find the link to International School Parent here.

Thank you to International School Parent for the opportunity to talk about a qualification that is at the heart of Brillantmont learning!


Your Guide to A-Levels


A-Levels are an internationally recognised university entrance qualification and yet there are many misconceptions about their academic rigour, the freedomthey afford students, and their outcomes.


A-levels (Advanced Level qualifications) are a crucial part of the education system in the United Kingdom and are typically taken by students aged 16 to 18 during their last two years of Secondary school. A-Levels are the most frequently sat university entrance qualification with over 10,000 schools in 160 countries teaching A-Level courses. This number includes British schools outside the UK that are increasingly offering either the UK A-Level or the international variant of this certification.

Although A-Levels are recognised and accepted by tertiary institutions across the globe, there is still confusion amongst parents around what the programme entails and why it might be the best fit for their child.


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The power of school reunions: how Brillantmont International School's 140th anniversary event brought over 300 alumni together

| 0 comments| by Sarah Frei Sarah Frei

Are you feeling nostalgic for your school days?

Do you miss catching up with old friends and reliving your memories of Brillantmont, the oldest Swiss boarding school to be owned and run by the same family? 
Here at Brillantmont, we had the joy of recently welcoming many of our alumni back on campus. Whether it's been 10 years or 50 since your graduation, school reunions are a magical way of bringing people together. This was proven at Brillantmont's 140th anniversary event on June 3rd, which saw over 300 alumni returning back to their alma mater in Switzerland from all corners of the world. Some came from as far away as Australia and California and we are truly touched that they made such a great effort to be with us.


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BM building hope for a better future in Braga, Portugal

| 0 comments| by BM voice BM voice

After a four-year hiatus, this April we were very thankful to be able to once again participate on a building project. This year’s build was in Braga, Portugal, where we worked with the Fuller Project to help renovate an old carpenter’s workshop into a set of six apartments for refugee families in the area.  


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A step back into Brillantmont’s 140 year Swiss boarding school history

| 0 comments| by Sarah Frei Sarah Frei

When alumni return to school, it is always a very moving occasion and stirs lots of memories. Since Brillantmont International School is 140 years old soon, there are many people across the world whose lives were touched by a stay in our walls. Let’s take a quick look back at some of the defining moments in the BM story.

In 1882 Brillantmont was founded by Paul and Berthe Heubi, the great grandparents of the Frei family, the current owners of the school.



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Brillantmont student reaches second round of Physics Olympiad

| 0 comments| by Sarah Frei Sarah Frei

We are proud to announce that our student Sky has qualified for the second round of the prestigious Physics Olympiad qualifiers, with a chance to join the Swiss national team! Sky has been invited to take part in special training, and will demonstrate his hard work and skills in January when the second round commences.


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STEAM courses for 8th and 9th Grades at Brillantmont: laying solid foundations

| 0 comments| by Sarah Frei Sarah Frei

Brillantmont welcomes students from 8th Grade onwards. For many, it is their first time away from home, living far from their families, so coming into a small, very supportive and caring community like Brillantmont, helps make that transition smooth. Our whole team strive to create a healthy, happy, home from home, in which every child can thrive.



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Why a Swiss boarding school education is like no other

| 0 comments| by Sarah Frei Sarah Frei

Switzerland is well-known for many things – mountains, skiing, amazing scenery, watches and of course chocolate! Yet, there is one domain, known to an exclusive elite - boarding schools.

Founded decades ago, they are considered among the best in the world and offer an internationally recognised education, which opens doors worldwide. Switzerland has a long history of hosting students from all over the world in its exceptional private boarding schools. The multicultural landscape, with four official languages - French, German, Italian and Romansch – is conducive to an international community, in which students can live and breathe intercultural understanding on a daily basis. The safety and security, the discretion and the very exclusiveness are all factors which appeal to those families who seek something unique for their child. Switzerland is an amazing place to live and learn.



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Model United Nations (MUN) - Exclusivity for all at Brillantmont!

| 2 comments| by Sarah Frei Sarah Frei

What is MUN?

Model United Nations (MUN) is a simulation of the United Nations that aims to educate participants about current events, topics in international relations, diplomacy and the United Nations agenda. Students research a country, take on roles as diplomats, investigate international issues, debate, deliberate, consult, and then develop solutions to world problems.

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