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Summer Course in Lausanne - Switzerland - Brillantmont International School

Brillantmont International School

Brillantmont is the oldest Swiss boarding school to be run and owned since the same family. Our academic programme is internationally recognised and addresses the individual needs of each of our students.
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The Brillantmont Young Enterprise Society (YES) Club has made school history!

The 2023-2024 Young Enterprise Society (YES) Club has made history as the first Brillantmont team to make the finals of the Business School of Lausanne’s (BSL) Entrepreneurial Challenge and has won the award for the best business model.

Our team EDu is a business startup created by Isabela, Tija, Maria, and Nina that focuses on helping match students with universities and majors. The team will have mentoring sessions with BSL professors and successful entrepreneurs and will work with them during the 2024-2025 academic year.

Congratulations to the whole team!


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Your Guide to A-Levels

Brillantmont is happy to have contributed to a recent article in International School Parent magazine, which talks about A Levels, offered at our school. You may read an edited version of the article here and find the link to International School Parent here.

Thank you to International School Parent for the opportunity to talk about a qualification that is at the heart of Brillantmont learning!


Your Guide to A-Levels


A-Levels are an internationally recognised university entrance qualification and yet there are many misconceptions about their academic rigour, the freedomthey afford students, and their outcomes.


A-levels (Advanced Level qualifications) are a crucial part of the education system in the United Kingdom and are typically taken by students aged 16 to 18 during their last two years of Secondary school. A-Levels are the most frequently sat university entrance qualification with over 10,000 schools in 160 countries teaching A-Level courses. This number includes British schools outside the UK that are increasingly offering either the UK A-Level or the international variant of this certification.

Although A-Levels are recognised and accepted by tertiary institutions across the globe, there is still confusion amongst parents around what the programme entails and why it might be the best fit for their child.


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Rahvusvaheliselt tunnustatud Šveitsi väärtused – Brillantmont International School

Haridus on tänapäeval suur äri, mis on pannud koolikette kogu maailmas avama uusi filiaale. Ka Šveits ei ole siin erand: haridusmaastikule on ilmunud rida uusi koole, mis alles otsivad oma võimalust, samas kui teised vahetavad sageli omanikku.  

See seab lapsevanemad küsimuse ette: kas valida lapsele kool, mis kohandab oma rahvusvahelise mudeli kohaliku turu vajadustega, või eelistada mitmeid põlvkondi püsinud õppeasutust, millel on ette näidata aastakümnete pikkune kogemus, nagu Šveitsi erakool?



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