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Summer Course in Lausanne - Switzerland - Brillantmont International School

STEAM at Brillantmont – our robots keep on roving!

| 0 comments| by Sarah Frei Sarah Frei

Here is another update from our STEAM Coding classes where our main aim this year is to enable Brillantmont International School students to develop practical and flexible skills relating to technology. We believe that there is space alongside the traditional curriculum to develop creative and technical skills with the use of robotics and computer programming. We want our students to be aware of the exciting possibilities out there when they leave school and enable them to have the confidence to study anything they want to in the future.

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Election fever at Brillantmont International School

| 0 comments| by Sarah Frei Sarah Frei

Election fever is the subject of numerous headlines across the world right now and never more so than here at Brillantmont for this year’s Student Leaders for House.

One of our core values at the school is to nurture collaboration and leadership skills through challenge, building courageous, confident critical thinkers. Our House system offers the ideal opportunity to enable this. We have five Houses at the school , all named after famous people linked to Switzerland – Rousseau, Chaplin, Einstein, Anker and Piccard. The Houses meet on a weekly basis and are composed of students of different ages and nationalities, day and boarding. The purpose is to bring them together, to build and strengthen relationships and to help them get to know each other. Through teamwork and collaboration, they work to plan House events which are fun, memorable and create a sense of belonging.



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Lessons in Coding and Animation - Brillantmont Kicks Off STEAM Programme

| 1 comments| by Sarah Frei Sarah Frei

The new school year has begun, and our students have already picked up some new skills in their STEAM Coding classes! Grades 8 and 9 have been working on programming for animated sequences, with some very creative results. 

Students have been getting familiar with HTML and Scratch, building instructions to get animated animals dancing in time with music tracks.

Below you will see some of the work our students have produced. They had a lot of fun producing these sequences, and we think the results are pretty cool, too!


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Brillantmont is back at school! Presential learning is happening once again!

| 0 comments| by Sarah Frei Sarah Frei

Our quarantined students have now completed their compulsory ten days and have joined the rest of our boarding and day students. Our whole, family community, with students from all over the world, is reunited once again and beneath our masks, we are all smiles!


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Virtual Tour - Brillantmont International School in Switzerland

| 0 comments| by Sarah Frei Sarah Frei

We know that traveling right now is complicated for many people across the world, but we also know how important it is for our families to discover Brillantmont, since it may be home to your child for the coming months and years.

Join us for a virtual tour, visiting key areas, finding out about life in and beyond the classroom and learning more about what makes Brillantmont a unique place to live and learn.

Let’s go!



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British A Levels or the International Baccalaureate Programme?

| 0 comments| by Sarah Frei Sarah Frei

Here at Brillantmont, we strive to give our students the very best education. Our courses are designed to build our students’ knowledge and skills - and also to prepare them for life after school. Whether students are heading to university, or into the workplace, we aim to equip them with everything they will need in the future.

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Lessons learnt from Distance Learning at Brillantmont

| 0 comments| by Sarah Frei Sarah Frei

On March 13th, the Brillantmont world changed dramatically. Most of our students headed home to their families as COVID-19 edged closer. With another 20 weeks of school to go, it was time to switch into distance learning mode.

Distance learning can never replace presential learning in the classroom and none of us should underestimate the challenges that our young people faced, as they quickly said goodbye to friends and headed off into uncertainty.



As the world reeled, our students’ world was shaken as they realised that adults – leaders, teachers, politicians – didn’t always have the reassuring answers they sought, since the situation was constantly evolving.

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Let's Celebrate - Brillantmont Class of 2020

| 0 comments| by Sarah Frei Sarah Frei

Brillantmont is proud to present the Class of 2020! They’ll go down in history since they are the very first class in the 138 years of the school’s existence to celebrate via a Virtual Graduation. With filmed speeches, prizes and presentations, we were able to honour and celebrate their successes, as they watched from across the world.


Eric Frei, President of the School Board and 5th generation member of the founding family, shares his Graduation Message to our school community.



Anne Frei, Head of School and 5th generation member of the founding family, welcomes you all to share in the celebration of our Class of 2020.



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Brillantmont Class of 2020 on the road to success

| 0 comments| by Sarah Frei Sarah Frei

At this busy time of year, many of our 12th Graders have either received offers for places at universities or are still anxiously waiting to hear back. 

The maps below show the offers received so far and clearly illustrate how our programmes, whether British A Levels or the US High School, open doors worldwide.


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Studying Mathematics at Brillantmont: How recent lessons have been shaping our students’ knowledge

| 0 comments| by Sarah Frei Sarah Frei

The mathematics students at Brillantmont have been working extremely hard and producing excellent work. In particular, we are very excited to showcase our students’ efforts using a range of interactive software to visualise equations and processes.

Bringing this creative element into our mathematics lessons has really inspired our students, and the results have certainly been a sight to behold. From interactive diagrams to trigonometrical animation, our classes are combining mathematics with technology - and having a lot of fun along the way!



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