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Summer Course in Lausanne - Switzerland - Brillantmont International School

How Does the Swiss Public Education System Work?

| 1 comments| by Sarah Frei Sarah Frei

Our recent blog post outlined the Swiss public education system, the content of which varies greatly from canton to canton. For many children, the Swiss system meets their needs and provides them with the challenge and the knowledge to take them to the next stage of their lives.

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Why Swiss Public Schools Might not be Right for You

| 0 comments| by Sarah Frei Sarah Frei

Switzerland offers a diverse array of both private and state schools. Each of the twenty-six cantons has authority over their own public schools, creating quite a bit of variety among their educational institutions. It can be difficult to make the right choice for your child when it comes to their middle school and high school education. Some parents look in their neighborhood for the nearest school and send their child there. However, others broaden their search to include the whole country or sometimes even the whole world to find the best place for their children. Which kind of parent are you?

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Only 2 Months Away - Here's what to expect in the 2015 Summer Course

| 0 comments| by Sarah Frei Sarah Frei

Summer may yet be some months away, but spots in the Brillantmont Summer Course (starting in July) are filling up quickly and demand is high. It’s not too late to find out more and register your child for summer school in Switzerland. Here are highlights of what to expect from this summer session.

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WEBINAR: Brillantmont Escuela Internacional en Suiza

| 0 comments| by Sarah Frei Sarah Frei

El martes 24 marzo voy a presentar un webinar que hablará de las grandes virtudes de estudiar en suiza en nuestra escuela Brillantmont seguido por nuestros estudiantes que cuentan sus experiencías en Brillantmont, escuela internacional.


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We’re moving to Lausanne, which International School is the Best?

| 0 comments| by Sarah Frei Sarah Frei

Lausanne houses a number of exclusive private international schools that parents from all over the world select for their children. The location on Lake Geneva in the heart of the French-speaking Romandie region of Switzerland, provides a culturally rich and safe environment. Across the lake is France and only a short train ride away, students can access many of the beautiful landscapes of the Swiss Alps as well as the bustling cities of Zürich, Lucerne, and Lugano, to name just a few.

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Parent Interview: The choice of a Swiss Boarding Middle School

| 0 comments| by Sarah Frei Sarah Frei

Read a parent’s experience enrolling their child to a five-day middle school boarding programme at Brillantmont. 

The transition into boarding school can be challenging for both the students and their families. Entrusting the education and well being of your child to an institution can be daunting especially during the first few weeks away from home and family. This is why we interviewed a parent to share the experiences they’ve had with you. 

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After School Activities for Children in Middle School

| 0 comments| by Sarah Frei Sarah Frei

The academic life at an international boarding school is essential. However, the after school activities that students participate in are also important, especially for children in the middle school programme.

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Is Your Choice of Middle School Dependent on Where You Live?

| 0 comments| by Sarah Frei Sarah Frei

Don’t let yourself or your child be limited by the schools in your geographical area. Once you open your mind to the possibility of sending your child abroad for their middle school education, the opportunities awaiting them increase tenfold!

Safety, language exposure, and cultural opportunities are often the top reasons to send children abroad to boarding schools. Since the middle school years are so impressionable and important in developing a foundation for your child’s later higher education goals, many parents pick international schools around the world to send their child to.

Whether you are from the Asia, the Middle East,or the Americas, sending your child to an international school in Europe can be an excellent choice. In Switzerland, where Brillantmont International School is located, students have the chance to familiarize themselves with French, German, and Italian, as well as the language often used in business, English. In addition, thousands of parents send their children to this country for schooling due to the secure environment and rich cultural surroundings. 

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How to choose an international middle school

| 0 comments| by Sarah Frei Sarah Frei

The choices that children make in their middle school years (ages 11-14), are often what lead them towards a successful high school and university career. This is why it is incredibly important to choose the right Middle School for your child. It is in these years that students must have access to a wide range of subject matter and new experiences because this is the time when strengths and talents are identified and passions are born.

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The Importance of a Good International Middle School in Switzerland

| 0 comments| by Sarah Frei Sarah Frei

Often the ages of 14-17 are highlighted as key for a students’ development and for laying the foundation for university. However, the choices that children make in their middle school years (ages 11-14), often based on what they have been exposed to at this time, are what lead them towards a successful high school and university career. It is in these years that students must have access to a wide range of subject matter because this is when strengths and talents are identified and any weaknesses can be addressed.

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