A Levels are among the most important exams you will take because the next steps in life, such as entry to university or employment, often depend on your results. Taking a set of exams can be a daunting prospect, but well-planned A Level revision will help you feel prepared.
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The summer term has now started, as has the countdown to the end of the school year and the all-important examinations. Let’s take a closer look at just one of the exams being taken by Brillantmont students – the IGCSE – and how best to prepare for it.
September brings with it the start of a new academic year for students on the Brillantmont secondary programme. In this article we tell you more about how to begin the application process and what our new and returning students can expect in 2013.
Summer may be some months away yet, but places on the Brillantmont Summer Course (starting in July) are filling up quickly and demand is high. It’s not too late to find out more, which is why we’ve put together this digest of all our Summer Course articles, videos and links.
We’ve put together a small collection of excellent Summer Course pictures to give you a taste of what’s in store for students heading to Brillantmont International School this summer.
Summer is fast approaching, and for Brillantmont International School that means a new intake of Summer Course students eager to learn a new language while experiencing the very best of Swiss life. What’s in store for our lucky participants? Let’s take a look at a typical day in the life of a Summer Course student...
International A Levels based on the British system, or the International Baccalaureate (IB)? You’ve read our E-book, but what do our teachers think, who teach A Levels to our hardworking students every day?
For many people in Europe and indeed across the world, February is the month of Valentine's sentiments and pancakes piled high. But for the hardworking students of Brillantmont, February also brings a welcome half-term break, right at the highpoint of the Swiss ski season.
In a recent post we discussed the importance of sports to students’ health, but it is also important to consider the valuable skills for life that physical exercise and competition can develop.
Lausanne offers your child the perfect opportunity to try many different sports. The picturesque city is more than just the official Olympic Capital, a title bestowed in 1994 by then IOC President Jose Samaranch, in name alone.