A Levels are among the most important exams you will take because the next steps in life, such as entry to university or employment, often depend on your results. Taking a set of exams can be a daunting prospect, but well-planned A Level revision will help you feel prepared.
Following on from our recent simple and easy IGCSE revision guide, here are 8 more tips to help your revision go smoothly:
- Be prepared: Before you start, check the syllabus for the subjects you are studying and ensure you have the relevant notes. Decide where you will study and collect all the equipment you will need.
- Get into the right frame of mind: As well as being practically prepared, you need to be mentally prepared for your A Level revision. Try to deal with any other issues before you start.
- Make a timetable: We covered this in our IGCSE guide, but when it comes to A Levels and the extensive study required, it’s even more important. A timetable can help you schedule blocks of time for revision and make time for relaxation, to keep you feeling fresh and mentally alert.
- Be accountable: Put your timetable up somewhere visible and ask family and friends to help monitor whether you are following your plan. If not, a reminder from them will help you stay on track.
- Adapt to your learning style: Try using posters or mind maps, brief notes with highlighted keywords to jog your memory. Some people like to record verbal notes, which can be listened to when out and about.
- Be organised: Keep your revision notes organised for easy reference. For example, keep different subjects in separate folders and use coloured paper or pens to separate subjects and notes.
Make time for breaks: A Level revision can be tiring so it’s important to incorporate breaks as well. Take short breaks during your revision sessions and schedule longer rest periods in between sessions, so as not to get overloaded.
- Eat and sleep well: Another one from our IGCSE guide, but always important! In order for your brain to function you need to take care of your health, so during revision periods make sure you eat healthily and get sufficient sleep. Try foods such as oily fish, widely believed to have a ‘brain boosting’ effect.
For more excellent advice, tips and tricks for preparing yourself for these important exams, visit thestudentroom.com and lettsrevision.com/students.