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Summer Course in Lausanne - Switzerland - Brillantmont International School

5 reasons why attending a boarding school abroad is a great idea

| 0 comments| by Sarah Frei Sarah Frei

Deciding to send your child to a boarding school in a foreign country can be difficult. Likewise, attending a school away from home as a student can be daunting. However, the benefits of going to boarding school abroad more than outweigh any concerns. Here are five reasons why attending a boarding school abroad is a great idea. 

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The History of Brillantmont, Part 1: An Overview

| 4 comments| by Sarah Frei Sarah Frei

Brillantmont was founded in 1882 as a boarding school for girls. Now, 131 years later, many things have changed, but members of that same founding family still own the school and sit on the School Board, heading a team which steers students towards academic and personal success.

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School's out! Brillantmont Graduation news

| 0 comments| by Sarah Frei Sarah Frei

On June 21st our Graduation and Prize-Giving ceremony took place. Congratulations to all our graduates and we wish them well on their journeys.

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Life after Brillantmont: Reflections from Leavers

| 1 comments| by Sarah Frei Sarah Frei

Here at Brillantmont we’ve nurtured countless young minds throughout our 130-year history, and wished all of them a fond farewell upon moving on to the next chapter of their lives. Let’s hear from three recent or soon-to-be leavers – Koffi from France, Laura from Colombia and the parents of Jeremy from the USA.

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Extracurricular activities: Middle School students headed to Scotland

| 0 comments| by Sarah Frei Sarah Frei

This year, the Middle School went to the Scottish Highlands as part of their programme, along with Mrs Nikyuluw, Ms Richmond and Mr Robbins. The five-day course, run by the Outward Bounds Trust, concentrated on developing a number of skills such as decision-making, leadership and communication, as well as linking classwork on climate change, the environment and sustainability with activities in the field.

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Looking forward to September 2013 - Brillantmont Secondary Programme

| 0 comments| by Sarah Frei Sarah Frei

September brings with it the start of a new academic year for students on the Brillantmont secondary programme. In this article we tell you more about how to begin the application process and what our new and returning students can expect in 2013.

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Sports at an international school in Switzerland

| 1 comments| by Sarah Frei Sarah Frei

When your child enrols at Brillantmont, they are signing up to more than just an educational experience of a lifetime. We value the enrichment of our students’ lives completely and have an active social agenda which we believe fosters many positive aspects of a child’s development. 

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The importance of a good Middle School Education

| 1 comments| by Sarah Frei Sarah Frei

A student’s life from 14-17 is an incredibly important time, laying the foundations for a career at university and deciding the path of the rest of their lives. But what about those formative years in the lead-up to IGCSEs and A Levels, PSATs and High School Diplomas, or their equivalents? Also, why does Switzerland provide such a great environment for learning from 11-14?

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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

| 0 comments| by Sarah Frei Sarah Frei

Have a wonderful holiday!

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Top tips for starting life in an international boarding school

| 0 comments| by Sarah Frei Sarah Frei

Your time at a school such as Brillantmont will be a wonderful experience and will prepare you well for the rest of your life, but starting at a new school can be daunting. Here is some helpful boarding school advice to help you get settled in:  

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