Download the first ebook from Brillantmont International School, comparing two of the world’s foremost university entry qualifications – A Levels and the International Baccalaureate. Which suits students with particular talents, and which provides a broader syllabus? Read on for a preview of our new ebook.
Extract from Part 4: Routes to university
Both the A Level and the IB hold international recognition among many of the world’s top universities. maintains a list of universities that recognise IB diploma holders – currently this list covers 75 countries and some 1,800 universities.

While there is no official, centralised A Level ‘recognition database’, CIE, which assesses an international A Level syllabus, maintains its own list where universities can choose to register. Within it there are 454 US universities alone that accept A Levels for matriculation purposes, including Harvard, Yale, Stanford and Princeton.
It’s important to note that national qualifications are universally recognised by universities which signed the Bologna Accords. Put simply, countries that signed the Bologna Accords have a legal obligation to accept A Levels.
Brillantmont alumni Dinara Guzhavina, an A Level graduate now studying in the leading fine arts school in the US, the Rhode Island School of Design, is featured in our ebook.
“My case is slightly different from others as I go to an art school. For me, the advantage of having A Levels was that I was able to build up my art portfolio and become self-efficient.”
“I took several A Levels including A Level Art which is quite a challenging course where really, everything depends on how much YOU work. I was able to learn how to use the time in class but also to push myself to do a lot more work outside of class. This is one of the most important skills that you have to learn before you go to college. By the time of my applications, I had built quite a big and strong portfolio.”
“This helped me a lot during the application process as I didn’t have to worry that I didn’t have enough work like many other students I know.”
Download our free ebook now!
If you’re a parent wishing to learn more about your child’s educational options – click here to find out more about A Levels and the International Baccalaureate.