Students and teachers during the Colour Run and on a trip to Milan, Italy!
Brillantmont students are always busy! This term, they have enjoyed lots of weekend excursions to a host of exciting places, including the magnificence of Milan; sleeping in Mongolian yourtes on top of a mountain; a kaleidoscope of colour during the Colour Run; the beauty of Berne, the Swiss capital; the thrill of the Swiss Knie circus; Christmas shopping sparkle in Zurich and a midnight run dressed as Santa!
The highlight of the term was the half term trip to Salzburg and Vienna, taking in all the well-known landmarks and castles right off a Disney film set.
Sunny days just around the corner

As the end of the year beckons, Summer 2016 is just around the corner. Whilst you might not have thought that far ahead, don’t leave it too late if you want to be sure of a place at the Brillantmont Summer Course 2016- Saturday 9th July to Saturday 20th August 2016.

What better way to spend the summer than learning French or English, playing lots of great sports and enjoying fun activities and excursions around the area. All with the Brillantmont hallmark of outstanding care and quality. Applications are open already so enrol today!
Brillantmont in the World
Key Brillantmont staff are always traveling the world, meeting up with alumni and talking to new parents and students. Make sure you keep in touch of their travels by following the Brillantmont Facebook page.
In 2016, look out for Brillantmont in Tokyo, Fukuoka, Shanghai, Taipei, Mumbai, Madrid, Rome, Milan, Dubai, Jeddah and Riyaddh. See the dates an details on Facebook.