School Blog | Brillantmont International School in Switzerland

Interview: What are the ingredients of the best summer school?

Written by Sarah Frei | 09-Jun-2015 13:08:15

Brillantmont International School in Switzerland offers a unique summer school experience for students from all over the world. The following are highlights from an interview with Mr. Pasche, the headmaster of Brillantmont, regarding this incredible opportunity for your children. 

What are the top three reasons why the Summer Course at Brillantmont is a good choice?

The top reason that our programme is unique among summer schools in Switzerland is the family size. We welcome between 80 – 100 students each week, which means that all the staff get to know each student individually. Secondly, for the younger students, Brillantmont gives them the chance to have their first experience away from home, but in a safe, secure, family atmosphere. Finally, Brillantmont fixes nationality quotas so students can be sure that they will be with others from a mix of nationalities, greatly enriching their experience.

There are many summer courses in the mountains. Brillantmont is in the centre of Lausanne. Do you see that as an advantage?

Let’s remember that Lausanne is the Olympic Capital, home of the IOC and has great sports facilities. It is also a city full of students – more than 30’000 study in Lausanne each year. The great thing is that it has the infrastructure of a big city yet the security of a peaceful town. Lausanne is less than an hour from Geneva International airport, around an hour from Berne, the Swiss capital, an hour away from the Swiss Alps and the lake is 15 minutes away from the Brillantmont campus. All this enables us to offer a wide range of excursions and activities.

Why come to Switzerland to learn English?

Switzerland has four national languages so the culture of language learning is very much part of Swiss identity. During the school year, Brillantmont offers an academic programme in English and learning French is compulsory, so we are used to delivering quality programmes.

Do you have any final words about the Brillantmont summer course?

The Brillantmont Summer Course 2015 is under the same direction as the school year at Brillantmont which means that there is a continuity in terms of the quality of the programme offered and most of the staff who teach during the school year also teach during the summer course, ensuring high standards.

Find out more about the Brillantmont Summer Course and how to apply. 


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